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Toptan Cam Parfüm Şişeleri
Şarap Şişesi Test Tüpü
şarap bardağı tüp şişe
Boş 100ml Şarap Votka Numune Cam Tüpler Şişe toptancısı
- İsim: Wine Glass Tubes Bottle
- Kapasite: 50ml, 100ml, veya ihtiyacınız olan herhangi bir kapasiteyi özelleştirin.
Hammadde: Yüksek borosilikat cam
İşlem: Ekran görüntüsü, sıcak damgalama, labeling… customized
Paketleme: By standard carton, then export pallets.
Sertifika: ISO 9001
Adedi: 3,000 adet
Örnek: Özgür, only charge freight to your warehouse or office
The 100ml wine tube bottle is crystal-clear because of it’s made of high borosilicate glass. And comes with the thread screw cap which means the bottle needs to seal by the machine to ensure freshness and spill prevention. Perfect for storing wine, vodka, and other spirits which allows for easy visibility of the contents and enhances the presentation of the samples. The glass tubes usually with 50ml 100ml capacity are small, and light and are an attractive, innovative way to serve wines and spirits to your customers. We can also provide 10ml 20ml 30ml 60ml 80ml 187ml and any other custom volumes. This bottle is a new ideal for storing small volumes of fine wine or vodka for tastings, exhibits, or other events.
We JL GLASS, our company can also provide customized service on the surface, such as screen printing, sıcak damgalama, etiketleme, çıkartma…ve benzeri.
Etraflı, our 100ml Wine Glass Tubes Bottle is an excellent choice for those looking to store wine, vodka, or other spirits in small quantities. Its compact size, sleek design, and durability make it an attractive addition to any bar or collection.
Temas etmek: Emilia Gao
E-posta: satış[email protected]/[email protected]
Sohbet Ediyoruz/Whatsapp: 0086 132 8003 8506
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