Vintage prazna ukrasna staklena bočica eteričnog ulja od 15 ml za pohranjivanje parfema
Our products are of premium performance and quality. It can meet your needs and give you the best experience. Our team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service to ensure you receive the highest level of support during your purchase. We also offer competitive pricing and flexible payment options, don't miss this opportunity, act now and let us help you achieve success !
Veleprodajna boca s difuzorom od trske od 150 ml za kućni dekor s drvenim čepom
Zaleđeni četvrtasta reed difuzor boca dodaje elegantan i šarmantan dodir vašem domu ili uredu i traje dok svo mirisno ulje ne ispari . Možete jednostavno dodati/ukloniti štapiće difuzora od trske kako biste prilagodili jačinu arome .