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Kapaljka Prazna staklena boca eteričnog ulja

Pozdravljamo sve upite ovdje u JL GLASS-u. Predani smo pružanju iznimnih proizvoda po vrhunskim cijenama uz nenadmašnu korisničku uslugu. Nemojte se ustručavati postaviti nam pitanje o našim proizvodima i njihovoj primjeni.

Ime proizvoda: Staklo Essential Oil Bottle

Kapacitet: 5ml/ 10ml/ 15ml/ 20ml/ 30ml/ 50ml/ 100ml

Materijal: Staklo

Veličina: 5ml-73*22mm/ 10ml-80*25mm/ 15ml-88*28mm/ 20ml-95*29mm/ 30ml-101*33mm/ 50ml-114*37mm/ 100ml-136*44mm

Težina: 5ml-21.2g/ 10ml-26.3g/ 15ml-28g/ 20ml-36g/ 30ml-47g/ 50ml-58.2g/ 100ml-93g

Sealing type: Kapaljka

Boja: Frosted or customized

Oblik: Round

About this item

Tight bottles: the bottles for corrosion resistant glass, are thick, smooth and anti-shock, safer interaction of the materials. Given the natural properties of glass, harmful chemicals cannot enter the product.
Koristiti: Perfect for use with esencijalna ulja, perfumes, tekućine, your own blends and aromatherapy. Easy way to make handmade gift mixes and own fragrances for your friends and family!

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