bočica s kapaljkama za serum na veliko
Glass serum dropper bottles are ideal for use as essential oil bottles, also known as tincture bottles. It’s Ideal for storing and dispensing small amounts of liquid or serums. The lid screws on tight to prevent leaks of liquid. Green, Blue and Brown are top 3 best seller colors for this bottle. A serum dropper bottle is designed to dispense the product in precise quantities, minimizing wastage and ensuring the longevity of your valuable skincare products.
As a custom glass bottle plant, we JL Glass can make clients own shape or own designed serum dropper bottles, dobrodošli upit nam putem e-pošte: [email protected]
Bočica mirisa Crystal Crafts Decor Body Essential Oil Electroplated Golden Neck
Naslovljeni novi dizajn Galvanizirani zlatni vrat bočica mirisa ima luksuzno reljefno kristalno tijelo. Različiti reljefni uzorci pokazuju drugačiji stil. Odgovara šesterokutnoj kristalnoj glavi kapaljke i galvaniziranom zlatnom vratu. 1ml ili mini kapacitet od 1,5 ml čini ga savršenim putnim bočicama ili bočicama za nošenje za njegu kože. Njegova elegantna površina može se koristiti i za ukrašavanje rukotvorina od kristala.