Welcome contact JL Glass for spray boce and containers for all your aromaterapija potrebe, we have various types of stock and we also can custom make your own shaped or designed bottles. our glass bottles and containers can use for dispense esencijalna ulja, massage oils, perfumes, spritzes, creams, lotions and other natural skincare products.

Prikaz svih 4 rezultate

100ml Romantic Decoration Scented Glass Candle bočica

Naziv boce: Staklena boca za svijeće Prednost: Romantična dekoracija, dobar izgled za osjećaj luksuza. Kapacitet proizvoda: 100ml, 200ml također možemo

150ml Slender Aromatherapy Bottle with Wooden Cap Wholesale

The slender aromatherapy bottle has a wooden cap and the cap is with same diameter as the bottle which are integrated, more beautiful.

Custom Best Square Reed Diffusers Aromatically Bottle

The reed diffuser bottle is a new design with a very special shape,fashionable and beautiful. It's is made of super flint glass with a heavy bottom and is a solid, čist, classic transparent bottle,which makes your packaging stand out from conventional packaging.

Stakleni svijećnjak s eteričnim uljem mirisnog kamena po narudžbi

Ime: Mirisni kamen eterično ulje staklena čaša za držač svijeća Kapacitet: 140ml/210ml/350ml Materijal: Oblik izrazito bijelog stakla: Cilindrična boja: Prilagodba transparentnog ili premaza u boji